Title: Against the Wind
Published by: Ardent Artist Books
Genre: Coming Soon, Modern
Release Date: 2025
Unexpected Layover. Unforgettable Love. ✈️❤️
Is love worth the turbulence?
Nora Kramer, a fiercely independent pilot, finds herself grounded in a charming Alaskan town. There, she meets Ben Huffman, a skilled mechanic with a knack for fixing hearts. As they navigate the breathtaking wilderness, a spark ignites.
But can their connection survive the return to their fast-paced worlds? Age and judgment threaten to tear them apart.
Discover the beauty of unexpected love in "Against the Wind," a heartwarming story about:
* Finding love in the most unexpected places
* Embracing vulnerability and communication
* The vastness of both wilderness and the human heart
$10.99 Paperback - COMING SOON!
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