Title: The Steward's Daughter
Published by: Ardent Artist Books
Genre: Historical
Release Date: 2019
ISBN: 978-1072640608
Pages: 162
All Louisa wanted was to be useful…
The only child of Mr. Ralph Hadley, Land Steward to the Earl of Monbossom, Miss Louisa Hadley lives in a small cottage on the Monbossom estate with her father. When she accidentally breaks her foot after dismounting a horse she is forced to stay in the main house while her father tends to the Earl abroad. With the family now responsible for Louisa's well-being, the classes have reversed as Louisa is constantly scorned by her friends in service. Her circumstances take a more dramatic turn when she stumbles upon the Earl of Monbossom while saving a duckling. When did he return from France? And who knew his eyes were so blue?
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