Title: A Matchless Match
Series: The Hollinger Series #2
Published by: Ardent Artist Books
Genre: Historical
Release Date: 2018
ISBN: 978-0-9825797-3-2
Pages: 226
Ebook Retailers: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple, Kobo, Google

Lady Mary Hollinger is ready for marriage

Lord Harland Harper is the wealthy heir to the Earl of Thanet’s shipping trade; it would be a match made in Heaven, according to her father, but Mary must first get passed his arrogance.  Lord Lucas Wrentmore is the same age as Mary, they have similar interests, and they’re even childhood friends ~ but she has her doubts as well.  Then there is the perfect choice, the Duke of Somerset from the House of Seymour who threw in his hand at the very last moment ~ My, oh my, what is a debutante to do?  Mary yearns for the love and passion her parents display daily ~ but which one of those young suitors will fulfill all her dreams?  The shipping heir, the childhood friend or the handsome Seymour pedigree?

You think you know the ending ... but think again.

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