Title: Unsuitable Obsession
Published by: Ardent Artist Books
Genre: Modern
Release Date: 2008
ISBN: 978-1432732752
Pages: 268

Part One

It was Taboo ~ It was Forbidden

Amber Sanchez and her brother-in-law Eduardo denied their physical attraction. Insecure Amber always rationalized her appeal as being typical, for the great attorney was an overconfident male and his distinctive charm substantiated Amber's perpetual obsession. Smart, spoiled and oh-so gorgeous Eduardo Sanchez never had so much moderation. His lure to his sister-in-law was toxic; and his inability to bed her poisoned him to the point where no other women would suffice. Unable to pacify unrelenting temptation, one kiss sparks a passionate affair. But how does one end a craving for a hunger so unsuitable?

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