Title: Never Say Forever
Published by: Ardent Artist Books
Genre: Modern
Release Date: 2024
ISBN: 979-8873791965

In a tale of tangled hearts and second chances, “Never Say Forever” unravels the complexities of a contemporary romance embedded in Hollywood’s glittering yet unforgiving world. Phoebe Connelly, a graceful mulatto woman of Haitian descent with an aura of kindness and compassion, finds herself trapped in a marriage where love has withered on the vine. Her husband, Clark Connelly, is the epitome of a Hollywood heartthrob – gorgeous with an irresistible sex appeal and a cockiness matched only by his robust acting career. But beneath the facade lies a trail of infidelities, with his current affair with the infamous mistress, Dina Denise, threatening to permanently sever what once was a bond of deep affection between him and Phoebe.  As the narrative unfolds, Phoebe must navigate the treacherous waters of a broken relationship, seeking to rediscover her identity away from the shadows of Clark’s betrayals. Entangled in his web of deceit and battling the remnants of love he still harbors for his wife, Clark faces a crossroads that could lead to redemption or further estrangement.

Are Phoebe and Clark devoted to divorce? Or will warm tropical nights ignite their frozen passion?

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