Title: The Family Fix
Published by: Ardent Artist Books
Genre: Modern
Release Date: 2024
ISBN: 979-8320719047
Pages: 226

Tired of being the single one at family gatherings?

Isabella Santos is a rising star architect with no time for love. But when her family's relentless matchmaking reaches a fever pitch, she needs a plan. Enter Rafael Torres, her cousin's charming best friend. A fake relationship is the perfect solution.

The problem is that pretending to be in love is a lot easier said than done.

As sparks fly and their charade heats up, Isabella and Rafael find themselves blurring the lines between pretend and reality. Can they navigate meddling families, hidden desires, and the thrill of a love that wasn't supposed to happen?

Trisha Fuentes, writing under the Pen Name "Mia Munoz"

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