Title: The Surprise HeirPublished by: Ardent Artist BooksGenre: Historical, RegencyRelease Date: 2024ISBN: 979-8877922310In the charming era of Regency England Edmund Gallagher, a distant relative to the prestigious Lord of Langston Hall, lives.
Title: A Dance of DeceptionPublished by: Ardent Artist BooksGenre: HistoricalRelease Date: 2024ISBN: 979-8884255548Pages: 176 The Thunderbolt Series - Book 2 In the elegant ballrooms and salons of Regency England, Lady Genevieve Sinclair,.
Title: Win the Heart of a DuchessPublished by: Ardent Artist BooksGenre: Coming Soon, Historical, RegencyRelease Date: 2024ISBN: 979-8-3302-0276-8Pages: 180 Juliet, the Duchess of Wrotham, a captivating widow trapped in a gilded cage,.